Tuesday, May 12, 2009


not a good month...exam stress...no more working... ='(

with the determination, no matter what, i will survive! do not give up in what i am doing.

yst went to seek for job in the so called boring place =.= they are not hiring ppl =(
fine...i discussed with mum ady. decided to stay at home and be a good girl. cuz can pratice piano ( exam coming soon -.-), cook what i want =D and prepare for next semester =P i am ok with it! so...no job!

gosh today morning too tired until eyes can't open @_@ almost slept in the class. and i should go to bed before 12am =.= luckily Mr Jack din spot me slept! lol... tmr last day with Mr Jack ady =/

glad to know that the final decision is not what i want, thank god. i promise ok? thank you very much. god bless.

argh idle tuesday!

study mood~


ying said...

what final decision?

M Ỡ Қ ҝ ¥ said...

the lecturer din bar me frm taking the final exam =) thank god...

ying said...

what is din bar u from taking the final exam?

M Ỡ Қ ҝ ¥ said...

the lecturer still let me to go for the final exam

ying said...

icic.u cannot go for the final exam if the lecturer didn't let?

M Ỡ Қ ҝ ¥ said...

ya... so now i can go for the T4 paper final exam =)