Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hope everything is going well...

right now 1.55pm in the library, after lunch and nothing to do, so the girl is sitting here to surf the web.

yst my mum suddenly told me that she is restricting me to online at home! blah blah blah i need to study, practise my piano, teach brother, and blah so on....the first thing came into my mind was my blog! how am i going to survive without blogging? i do not want my blog to be dead lol. and facebook too. it is just so fun and addicting =P haha nvm i'll sacrifice my happy time online, and i believe after august i can online whenever i want! ;) i am a good girl listening to my mum =)

oh well, today is one of the most hectic days in the week as i will have class frm 8 am till 6pm! i think im going crazy, but the one month holidays are surely enough for me and i am well prepared. phew~ mr jana is just so so soooooo funnY! his jokes are just soo...oh funnY! makes my day better lol =D he made students dance infront of the lecture hall. he's telling us so much of fun jokes!!!! ahhhahahahhaha i was laughing at class just now LOL!

haiz...i want internet! im addicted to it! dun worry..i will control

i miss MSN chatting
i miss blogging
i miss facebook
i miss food blogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i have a plan next week. ehehheeh only just for me ;)

study hard and smart! gambateh!


hello said...


ying said...

gambatte! take care.

M Ỡ Қ ҝ ¥ said...

oh thank you ying han!~ =3

M Ỡ Қ ҝ ¥ said...

oh thank you ying han!~ =3

ying said...

u are welcome=)