Friday, January 1, 2010

Brief Flashback of 2009

first of all, happy new year 2010 to everyone! may this year bring luck and happiness to all of you.

year 2009 is a definitely the most challenging year for me. i started to be a CAT student, which at first i think it is interesting, slowly progress to boring, then feel that it is hard. after 2 months, i realized that it is not as bad as i thought. started to change the lazy and not-so-good-attitude, and i finally passed the papers for June 2009 session.

throughout the year, i have gone through the hurdles that i never encounter before. i have nearly lost/lost important things that mean to me a lot. at the same i have gained something valueable, but at the end, i have lost some of it. imagine. i have learnt to be independent without it, i cried because of it for the first time, i have learnt to be strong........many things. as one year progresses, many things are learnt.

new year resolution? simple.
PRIME: Pass CAT and be an official full time ACCA student.
SECOND: complete grade 8 piano course.

No war in the world, peace!
take care of myself properly
dun think about it again

i believe year 2010 will be a good year to me, and all of you. good luck and all the best. if you think you can, you can! believe in yourself!


happy 1st anniversary to


ying said...

happy new year to u too! hehe...hope this year also bring u good luck and happiness.

hehe...but u still can catch up.don't worry.

gained what?

yes. gambatte!

M Ỡ Қ ҝ ¥ said...

^^ same to you

gained weight! haha...

weee you too hehe