Tuesday, August 25, 2009

This is accurate. Libra.

I just don't understand why they care so much about it. I hope one day the truth will be revealed, with good ending.


Anonymous said...

wow...your life is so sad...now i really appreciate mine..thx so much

cutegirl said...

Im a libra too!!! I typed untitled in google *laughs* ya i agree...your blog very depressing....do you have friends? i mean in real life not in cyber life...

stexus said...

cutegirl...are you andrew?

cutegirl said...

So what if i am...Are you doing the assignment too? How in the Titan's name do we know who was the first person who write books regarding untitled?

stexus said...

Chat on facebook dont destroy other's blog

cutegirl said...

Hey you make me sound gay...oh by the way i comment using cutegirl the reason is i figured maybe asian girls click well with cute girls?

stexus said...

stexus hereby peace out# this chick is hell of a pretentious, especially her comments
ya this blog damn stressed out...& the words are all wrong... check out the followers...3.... sick just sick