Tuesday, September 29, 2009
so hmmm i have successfully controlled myself, about 10% *lol* not to online, msn, facebook. down the road, wish me good luck XD
by still keeping the happiness, say NO to addiction to online for now till December! ^^
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Ultimate Weekends
Parents Lecturers Day
met Mr Jana, Mr Jay and Mr Simon for sort of counselling. was unable to meet Ms Voon Sia. felt so guilty cuz did not do well for her paper, and i promised her i will come, but then need to rush back to fetch bro and sis to classes. haha, overall the conclusion is : practise more! my parents do really concern on my studies, so i must not let them feel dissapointed towards me. I will work harder! attended CIA- certified internal auditor talk with family. challenges of today's internal auditor. hmmm...not the time to think deeply yet =)
Red FM event
Time: 4pm to 7pm
Venue: Rennaissance Hotel, KL
My dad registered online for the event, and he was successfully selected. Lucky? haha...we were late for 30 minutes, just because we can't find the way to the west wing =.="
about 80 ppl attended the event, ladies were so gorgeous, and gentlemen were not bad. haha...i was the youngest guest there. lol. and now i know why only ppl 18 years old and above can attend the event.

without removing my makeup, rushed to bandar puteri badminton court, real rush. hehe...
had a fun badminton session with ying, phuah, chee yiap and siao ping. that was the first time i played badminton with my makeup =.=! and played for long time. now my whole body pain. badminton with u all was fun! ^^
back home, i was feeling tired and having headache. probably too tired. morning till late night non stop running here and there.
tired but happy saturday!
the bad news didn't affect me surprisingly, because i expected it. do better next year!
as usual drove to piano class. haiz... maybe need to change song, my fingers fault XD learn, it's all about learning and have fun, not just playing the piano. bought breakfast from pasar. LOL sth embarrasing happened, i feel funny... haha...i will make sure it won't happen again =P
having headache again, so took nap.
family day in sunway pyramid. nothing much there, just walk around, eat again XD dinner went sushi zanmai! haha...this is unbelieveable. cuz my family don't really fancy japanese food, so i kinda persuaded them to try it out. and they like it! hehe...
food picture? soon...
wow, that was a different and fulfilling weekend that i ever had. back to studies! say no to addiction! XD
Friday, September 25, 2009
Different Friday
during lunch time went wong kok @ pyramid with bunch of friends from Group 2 previously (the aim is to celebrate leanne's birthday). this is the first time i had lunch with them, and i had fun! thank you! ^-^
since we are rushing back to college for class, we had no time to celebrate her bday there. until the time when we are going back, we gave her a surprise. she was shocked, and mr jana say she gonna cry. haha... HAPPY SWEET 18TH BIRTHDAY AGAIN! ;)
take care everyone! ;) have a nice weekend.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Alone at the corner
i want to end this, good for us. i wanna ask because i wanna know the truth. i am sorry if i hurt you all, but i just wanna solve, to me solve is the best solution, what do you think, my friends? i have been waiting patiently, telling myself one day it will end, i tried hard to keep my preservance, but can i get the answer? hope everything will be ok soon ^^
now i just want to get away from the sad spot, calm down, think again. sometimes i am fed up with it, sometimes i hate myself, why i want to torture you all? why i keep on asking? why i am so annoying? simple, i just want to know. i dun wan to be a stupid fool, hiding in the corner crying, staying in the dark, do not know anything, but just keep quiet. is that my bad fate forever? unbearable pain, difficult situation to be faced. i hope to remain as friends now, dun let the matter affect our friendship ok? sorry is what i can offer.
nothing(lame bullshit stupid evil comments) will affect me, study is the best medicine lol =P
P.S. - buffet dinner with Red FM's DJs this Saturday! thanks to daddy! ;)
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
my very first dessert
Awesome Wednesday
we had some activities such as ice breaking- chicken dance, games such as musical chair. Li Ting taught us how to make the balloon shapes ( i don't really know what is the name of it ). it was fun! and the child beside me even helped me to shape the balloon too! <3 teacher =".=">
the children are playing musical chair.
there are only two chairs left when i took the pic.
i cannot put the other pictures because the children are protected.
when i was about to leave the centre, i feel kinda sad and i dun wan to leave them ='( we took pictures with them before we leave there.
bye and take care children! ^^
i had these for my late lunch
yummy, soon i'll gain weight! =P
i was so so so emo just now.
i choose to keep quiet, this is the best for everyone. i should study now. heh.
Friday, September 18, 2009
with care
i am sad when i see them feeling not well or sad. but they do not know how i am feeling. sometimes i just act like fool, good for me and good for them. this is a very errrrr situation ( i dunnoe how to describe ) . cheer up! you can do it next time, jia you! <3
take care my friends, no matter what happen, be calm, be cool and solve the problems. gambateh ya~! ;)
need money for food LOL =D
Thursday, September 17, 2009
spotted this book in the library today. inside it really looks like a boring storybook, so many words, no picture. but the contents are awesome. the book is about bizzare foods such as big-ass ant, human placenta, fugu, sheep's head, monkey's head and others. yucks~ i wonder why people that kind of food, isn't it disgusting? maybe to them is a delicacy, to us is weird and yucky food ~_~ even coconut and durian are also included as fierce food by the author- Christa Weil. what's wrong with the coconut and durian?
well, the author wrote up articles containing information such as: where the food comes from, how the food is cooked, how people eat them. when i read the book, i feel like wanna throw up lol. to me, the book is interesting. now i know what bizzare food are eaten by humans all over the world.
i still love food, but not bizzare foods =)
P.S. Thank you Miss for fetching me ya ;) i still need to brush up my english.
duh so pissed off with that kind of people. what is wrong?
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Moral Project + Lunch
it was fun and i was exposed to new type of project. my task is to visit the children there, have some activities such as dancing and games with them. my classmates brought some snacks for them. we played games like passing the object, musical chair and did some dancing. jian yun and I kena so we need to sing ABC with 2 children infront of everyone lol. the visit was nice. the children are cute and polite ^^ next week we have a chance to visit there again, and i do not hesitate to do so =)
carmen fetched me to sunway pyramid for the lunch belanja by Ms Yu. Had KFC and Pizza Hut. i was so emo until i finished 3 glasses of coke >.< last month was stress month, this month is fast food month. last 2 weeks had pizza and now i'm eating it again. this weekend going to have pizza with family. OMG! =.=!!!

should i still wait? seems like i am a fool.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Back to the Mood
went for moral class. my classmates did a very good job for the moral presentation. keep up the good work guys ;)
was pissed off by someone. so i wonder is that person pretending or what? it's weird, that is why i am 'applying the audit theories' =D it is just a canggih phone, or should I say PDA, ok? so childish...
owh no im kinda lazy now, blogging in the library, i must get rid of this 'sickness'.
bye for now ;)
Truly Paradise 1309
was off to paradise- The Curve. the awesome feeling just cannot be described by words. it was enjoyable and relaxing. wohoo~
had fattening McD. gotta lose weight >.<>i got my ears pierced! swt 17 years old only have piercings. weird hor? o.o i was so nervous and scared, cuz i am afraid of pain. seriously. and i was behaving like siao ppl, saying that i am scared lol. actually the pain is nothing =D now the earrings are not alone XD
no seafood and nuts, strictly no. oh no i am addicted to old town white coffee
thought of the day: when you are left alone, you will feel the pain. when nobody helps you, you need to be strong and help yourself. dun envy what people have, having yourself is the best.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Confessions at 1.23 AM
Probably i had think too much on that matters. actually i do not want to, but it is reality, it is happening, you know it, do not ignore and pretend nothing happened. but seems like you pretended? I pretended? I ran away from it? like to pretend? pretend or shy away will not solve problems efficiently.
I still want the true answers. I believe I, or we can do that.
give up is not the road yet, i am still waiting.
much more to write but i always forget what I wanted to write =.=" it's all about.............
Thursday, September 10, 2009
It's not 4D number XD hmm, it's 3.24 AM now, just finished watching final destination. outdated person I am. hmm movie rating 6/10. at last the 3 ppl die O__O dun really understand. it's not very scary.
have been chatting with dear and panda from 8 pm till 2.30 AM. nice chatting session with them ^^ aiyo why panda leave so early la... wow. since when i use the theories in my life? the whole conversation btw dear and I was amazing =D thank you for your advice and sharing, glad to have a great friend like you =3 muahkx
so this is the life after progress test. sambil makan sambil online, plus movie. lol. and i am starving in the midnight =/
i do not know why recently i feel very lazy, lack of oomph during study. last sem was great...this sem, i ruined it =( grr hope it is not that bad.
wohoo now we can fly~! Bro has finished UPSR, I had finished my progresstest as well, together, same day. now that my mum can relax, cuz she have been worrying about my brother for many many months! relax, mama =) as promised- club, karaoke, buffett, THE CURVE! weeehoo...
i had many plans after my test, but now i do not know what to do. lame, right? so i was wondering, what is the big deal?
oh no, gtg get good night sleep
good luck to my dear in the mock exam, take care ppl ;)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Super Busy
the hectic and stressful month of august had passed. phew~! but, this tough month of september is awaiting for me too. seriously august is not a good month for me. the real tough stages, and bad things had happened in my life. anyway it's all over, welcome the month of september, and with the full heart, cherish everyday, appreciate everything.
sorry ya my friends especially ying han, i am really busy with studies now. i have no time to on facebook, no time to leave comment on your blog but i still read blog ^^ see how loyal i am. haha jkjk.
progress test 2 is coming soon. dare to fail any of the papers! >< out of surprise PT1 results audit which is a theory paper is the highest mark among my 4 papers. lol. i am still good in theory, but calculation, BUCK UP!!!
after 2 weeks, i will be super free. ignore the mock exam =D my bro finished UPSR, and i finished my test. woohoo time for family outing ^^ THE CURVE!!!
*more updates after 2 weeks from now*
you captured my heart!